Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vardaman V (150-151)

"The One That Got Away"

Vardaman sees the whole thing go down, with Darl bailing and the coffin floating away. Vardaman reproves Darl because he knows she's faster in the water (because she's a fish): "...catch her Darl because in the water she could go faster than a man..."(150).

Vardaman V, Darl XII, and Tull VI tell the same story from three different perspectives, a la Rashomon.

Note that these sentences lack punctuation and are run-ons. Remember that Vardaman is mentally challenged and these events are happening in "real time."

Ironically, Vardaman takes Darl to task, but with a twist: "You knew she is a fish but you let her get away" (151).

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